Welcome to East Sixth Street Christian Church
We are Culturally Conscience
We are Community Active
And We Are Theologically Progressive
Join Us And Experience The Presence Of
The Holy Spirit
Sunday Morning Worship 10am
Wednesday Night BibleStudy 7pm
What's Happening at ESSCC- Upcoming Events

Sunday In Person All Welcome - Online Worship Facebook Live /YouTube Live
Wednesday Night Bible Study Zoom Conference Call Zoom Invitation Facebook Live
Download our App (ESSCC) to stay in touch and informed.

Reverend Jesse Jackson Jr
And The Family At East Sixth Street Christian Church Welcome You!
Our Congregation is Culturally Conscience, Community Active and Theologically Progressive. We believe that God’s work must be done outside the walls of our church building; we thus serve as a catalyst for change in our community fighting for justice, equality and the protection of our environment.
We are a family of believers who love God and God’s people. We seek to be Disciples in the true sense of the word “learners” by Growing through Biblical study. The Bible tells us in II Timothy 2:15 to “Study to show yourself approved…”, so we are a people committed to growing through giving;the giving of our time, talent and treasure.
We are committed to Ministry; we are committed to serving God by serving others. And, finally, we are committed to Love — PERIOD.
Reverend Jesse Jackson Jr
And The Family At East Sixth Street Christian Church Welcome You!
Our Congregation is Culturally Conscience, Community Active and Theologically Progressive. We believe that God’s work must be done outside the walls of our church building; we thus serve as a catalyst for change in our community fighting for justice, equality and the protection of our environment.
We are a family of believers who love God and God’s people. We seek to be Disciples in the true sense of the word “learners” by Growing through Biblical study. The Bible tells us in II Timothy 2:15 to “Study to show yourself approved…”, so we are a people committed to growing through giving;the giving of our time, talent and treasure.
We are committed to Ministry; we are committed to serving God by serving others. And, finally, we are committed to Love — PERIOD.