
ESSCC Order of Service
February 16, 2025
Celebration of Sisters
- Welcome Cynthia Clegg
- Opening prayer Cynthia Clegg
- Scripture Cynthia Clegg
- Praise and Worship Elevated Voices of Praise
- Musical Selection- Senior Choir
- Adoration by Florence B. Price
Jan Fischer Bachman, violin, and La’Jeune K. James, keyboard
Florence Beatrice Price, from Arkansas, was the first Black female composer to have her music performed by a major symphony orchestra. - Musical Selection- Senior Choir
- Corporate Prayers Rev. Stephen D. Billingslea
Prayers for the family of Sister Lisa Jones, who passed away recently. We are praying for Sister Carmen, who had surgery and is recovering at home, as well as for the whole family. We are praying for Sister Passions’ husband, who is home and has returned to work. Sister Gail reports that Brittney’s surgery was a success. They hope to come home soon if all goes well and appreciate continued prayer. Sister Howard continues to recover at home. Praying for Brother Andre who is also recovering at home. Praying for recovery and healing for sister Teresa. Praying for Sister Vicky and all care givers. Praying for Sister Freda Mason, our former member, she fell and is in a facility recuperating. Praying for all our members fighting cancer: Brittney Hadley, Gail Hadley, Josephine McCleary, mother to sister Kim Smith, and her sister Deborah McCleary, and Elder Marvin Fisher. Praying for Brother and Sister Cowen, Sister Shirley Burton. - Mother to Child by Langston Hughes – Presentation by Carol Moseley
- Lift Every Voice and Sing 631 in Chalice Hymnal
- Children dismissed for children church upstairs
- Sermon Rev. Stephen D. Billingslea
- Invitation to Discipleship Rev. Stephen D. Billingslea
- Invitation/Instrumental Milton Hopkins
- Offering-Bringing Tithes and Gifts into God’s Storehouse- Cynthia Clegg
(Please stand and follow the directions of the Ushers. Online giving- App (esscc) PayPal / credit cards/debit cards/ Givelify)
Offering Prayer Cynthia CleggOffering Doxology Milton Hopkins
- Announcements
See “Upcoming Events at ESSCC” on website or app for more details about Upcoming Events and Worship Services. Please save the dates and make plans to attend. - Words of Institution-Communion Deacons and Elders
- Benediction Rev. Stephen D. Billingslea
Please wear your mask
With recent increase of RSV, pneumonia, Influenza A or B, as well as new variant of Covid- Omicron -XEC, we are strongly encouraging everyone to wear mask. Oklahoma and Texas are recording increased hospitalization cases. Let’s all be careful and considerate of each other.
February is Black History Month- Theme” Out from the Gloomy Past”
February 2- Black Greek Letter Organization Sunday
February 9- HBCU Sunday
February 16- Celebration of Sisters
February 23- Celebration of Youth and Children/ Soul Food Dinner
Disciple Women’s Fellowship
DWF will be using the Band App to share calendars, group chats, sign up sheets and more. A great tool to get us organized. We will still have a church calendar in the back on the bulletin board for those that do not use electronics
You can find the instruction on the back bulletin board on how to download/install the BAND App. If you have any questions or need help, please reach out to sister Michelle and she will help you get connected.
Week of Compassion special offering Feb 16-23
As the relief, refugee, and development mission fund of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Week of Compassion works with partners to alleviate suffering throughout the world, with a vision of a world where God’s people transform suffering into hope.
We are trying to compile our 2025 church calendar, we are asking all ministry to please send your dates to Pastor Jackson or Sister Carmen so we can develop our church calendar for the year. This will help with planning and prevent overlapping dates. Your cooperation is appreciated. Ushers you did submit a list of events but would you please submit it again with dates.
All volunteers who agreed to work with our children need to complete a background check and submit your report to Dena or Passion. Details on how to complete the report online is provided on the website scroll down under Announcements/ Upcoming Events/ Save the date.
Please see website for Upcoming ESSCC events and ministry meeting dates and times.
May we all continue to seek and pursue Jesus in 2024, with a renewed sense of connection . Let us increase our level of commitment to his service and step out to do Gods work for our church and community in love.
Upcoming Events at ESSCC – SAVE THE Dates (Don’t Read)
- Background Check –If you are a teacher or volunteer working with our children in Sunday school or children’s church, or have signed up to help on a Sunday upstairs we need you. We will be working on our Sunday volunteer assignments. All members working with our children will be required to complete a background check with OSBI ( Please try to get background checks completed during January ( 2025) . Thank You.
- The background search will include three data bases
- OSBI Criminal History
- DOC Sex Offender Registry
- DOC Violent Offender Registry
- You must create an account to access CHIRP. Account access is FREE and you will only be charged for searches you request.
- The cost for all three searches will be $20 including transaction fee.
- Tina Hadley, RN is now certified to teach CPR and will be conducting our training in 2025. Please sign up when dates have been set. We would like to have one certified member present each Sunday, just in case.
- Disciple women’s fellowship
- Sister LaKeshia Lewis is our new Chairperson and sister Kim Smith is our new assistant Chairperson of ESSCC Disciples Women Fellowship. Sister Karrie Harris is our new treasurer and her assistant treasurer is Sister Sheila Jones. Cynthia Clegg has agreed to be our DWF secretary . Brittney Houston and Michell Eike have agreed to take on our new position, as communication coordinators.
- Beginning in January 2025 we will have two group of children for Sunday Children Church. PreK- 3rd grade and 4th grade through 6th grade. (12 years and under)- we will not be working with toddlers at this time. We will ask one Teen to help with the younger class each Sunday.
- Teen Youth Bible Study- Rev. Reed has taken on a new job and his schedule will not allow him time to join us anymore. We are looking at having Youth Bible Study upstairs on Wednesday nights during Adult Bible Study time or a monthly Sunday outing and group gathering somewhere in city. Please share what works best for your teen with Passion and Dena. Kick off is Jan 2025.
- ESSCC Women’s Upcoming Events- Calling all “wantabe” “glam ladies”. We are polling all of the women of the church to see if you would like to come to a makeup demonstration Fun Night here at the church. Please consider this amazing opportunity to learn more about which makeup is best for your skin, as well as, how to apply it, from a professional makeup artist. Let us know if you are interested, contact sister LaKeshia or sister Kim Smith.
- Pine Street is now working on getting enough people to follow their Facebook page so they can broadcast their worship service live as well. Please go to “Pine Street Christian” and hit the follow button. They need our support; that was once us, at the beginning of Covid. Thank you for your help.
- First Sunday Breakfast and T-shirt Sunday 1st and 3rd Sunday. Thank you Sister Rosa
In-person Bible Study here in the fellowship hall at each Wednesday Night 7pm. First and third Wednesday Night, sister Rosa will be preparing dinner at 6:30pm before Bible Study.
We are continuing to ask for donations throughout the year to help us sponsor outing(s) for our youth .Please put “youth ministry special offering” on your envelop or on the notes section in Givelify. If you are paying online by credit or debit, (no place for notes), please send Elder Edmund Clegg a text letting him know your donation is for the “youth special offering”. We are excited to plan FUN outings and events for our young people to build relationships with God and one another. Let’s teach them that “Church FUN” can be as enjoyable as the “World FUN”.
We will continue to be on Facebook Live. We are still needing someone to volunteer to coordinate Zoom for Wednesday Night Bible Study . See Pastor Jackson if you are interested.
- Sister Cynthia Clegg is teaching a Tai Chi class each Saturday from 10-11 am in the fellowship hall. The Program is designed for Older Adults. See the flier on the website for program description. Contact Cynthia Clegg if you are interested or have questions.
- The Wellness Nutrition class provides presentations on nutritional information and how to incorporate that information into meal planning. For future presentations , we will discuss specific impact of various foods on the body and include recipes with food tasting. Lakeshia will be holding another demonstration on Saturday’s , following the Tai Chi class at 11am.
Birthday Month Ministry (postponed for now )
Thank you to everyone who have completed their Birthday Month Ministry Cards. Stay tune in 2025 as we roll out this ministry.
- Full Prayer list is available on the website If you have anyone to add or remove please let us know either by text to sister Carmen or by contact form on the website.
- Church App is available for iPhone and Android phones in the Apple store and Google play store- East Sixth Street Christian Church (ESSCC).
ESSCC Prayer List
Bro. Rufus Adams; Sis Shirley Riley; Sister Tina Henderson; Elder Marvin Fisher; Bro. Jameson Clegg; Sister Kim Smith and mother Josephine McCleary; Deacon Bob Cowen and Sis. Louise Cowen; Sister Whitney Blair; King David and Monica; Naomi Jackson & family; Mrs. Emma Lemons; Sister Sheila Jones and family; Mr. Donte Payton; Mr. Ron Clark; Sister Ckai Dawson; Ulah & Lamar Ustinov; Minister Stephanie Parker; Elder Nedella Foster; Chris Dinkins; Sister Rosa Tillman; Karen Smith; Brother Bobby and Sister Gail Hadley & family; Brittney Hadley Pattico & family; Brother Andre Francisco & Sister Teresa Francisco; Curtis Nunley and Family; Dianne Ross McDaniel; Sister Carmen Jackson & family; Sister Vikki Walker; the family of Sister Lisa Jones; Annette Martin & family; June Higgins family; LaRose Bradley family; Bridget & Ken Lucey-Cose; Mrs. Doris Houston; Sister Erma Howard; Christopher Walker & family; Billie Sanders: Ron Magnus; Irma Howard; Booth family; Dennis Jones; Damonta Hickman: Valerie Love; Janet Love Buckner; Elwood Johnson and family; Loreal Paxton; Deborah McCleary.
Church Contact Information at Glance
East Sixth Street Christian Church
1139 NE 6th Street, OKC. OK 73117
Mailing Address: PO Box 54674, OKC. OK 73154
Online Giving: web page– (Givelify, PayPal, credit and debit card)
Facebook- East 6th Street Christian Church–
YouTube- East Sixth Street Christian Church-
Sunday Worship from Sanctuary
Facebook Live/ YouTube Live
Sunday Worship 10AM
Facebook Live & YouTube Live
Zoom Meetings
Wednesday (on hold )
7pm Bible Study with invitation