

              ESSCC  Order of Service                                                 September 15,  2024 


Welcome                         Deacon Tony Francisco              

Opening prayer               Deacon Tony Francisco    

Scripture                         Deacon Tony Francisco 

Ephesians 4:17-25      

Praise and Worship         Elevated Voices of Praise

Corporate Prayers             Rev. Jesse Jackson  

We continue to pray for Brother Andre Francisco, Sister Shirley Burton, Elder Marvin Fisher, Elder Worth Hadley,  Brittney Hadley, and Josephine McCleary.  Praying for Rev. Stephen Billingslea who is recovering from Covid.  

 Musical Selection (s)        ESSCC Senior Choir 

Children dismissed for children Church upstairs

Sermon          Rev. Jesse Jackson  

” Stop Lying  ”                   

Invitation/Instrumental          Milton Hopkins 

Offering-Bringing Tithes and Gifts into God’s Storehouse-   

(Please stand and follow the directions of the Ushers. Online giving- App (esscc) PayPal / credit cards/debit cards/ Givelify)

Offering Prayer                              Deacon Tony Francisco     

Offering Doxology                         Milton Hopkins  

Announcements                           Denise Thomas                                     

 See “Upcoming Events at ESSCC”  on website or app  for more details about Upcoming Events and Worship Services.  Please save the dates and make  plans to attend.

Words of Institution-Communion    Rev. Jesse Jackson       

Benediction                       Rev. Jesse Jackson           


You can send Get well / condolences/ Praying for you  cards to:

 Andre and Teresa Francisco 1010 NE 14th, Oklahoma City, Ok 73117 

Vikki Walker 2217 NE 22nd St, OKC, Ok 73111  

Brittney Hadley Pattico 3512 Maloney Dr. OKC, Ok 73121 

Edwina Peoples 1417 NW 104 Terrace, Oklahoma City, Ok       


  •  Upcoming Events at ESSCC – SAVE THE Dates 

  • The Wednesday night  Bible Study class is reading and discussing a new book ” A House Divided”. Please consider joining this discuss for the next 8 weeks. The book can be purchased  on Amazon for $15. See the website for the flier with all information.  

 Pastors Appreciation Events-

  • Pastors Appreciation Musical – ESSCC will kick off the Pastor’s Appreciation Celebration with a musical on Saturday, October 12, at 6:30pm. We will have  guest choirs as well as a combined choir singing songs of praise. If you love singing, you don’t want to miss this musical.
  • Pastor’s Appreciation Day- On October 13, East Sixth Street will celebrate the 28th Anniversary for our Pastor and First Lady. We will have two services: One at 10am and end the festivities with an afternoon service at 2:30 pm. 
  • During the morning service, Pastor Ray Douglas of the Mt. Olive Baptist Church will be our guest speaker. Rev. Milton Bowen from Shepherd Street Christian church will be our afternoon speaker. 
  •  The colors for that Sunday are royal blue and white. We are asking , if you have one or both colors, please wear it. If you don’t, please don’t stay home, please come and wish our Pastor and wife a Happy Anniversary. 
  • We are asking each member to give $75. Again, if you don’t have the $75, please give your best love offering. If you are giving by check, make it payable to ESSCC and write Pastors Anniversary in the memo and on your envelope. If you are giving cash, please write “Pastor’s Appreciation” on the envelope. 
  • Dinner will served on October 13, immediately following 10 am worship Service.
  • Pastor Appreciation Fundraiser:
  • the Pastor’s appreciation committee will sponsor two fundraisers.
    • Sunday, September 15- A bake sale today after church in fellowship hall . Cookies, cake, pies, cobbler.  Come get some dessert to go!  
    • Saturday, September 21-   11am-1pm .A spaghetti dinner (chicken or beef), salad, green beans, roll, and a drink.  the committee will be preselling  tickets to know how any dinners to prepare. The cost of the dinner in advance is $10 and dinner will be $12 on the day of the dinner.
    • Please support our Fundraisers. Tickets can be purchased anytime before the 21st. See Connie Johnson or any of the  committee members, ( Maatet Ratem, Passion Bradley, Vikki Walker, Rozlynn McCormick, Chequita Smith, Blanchie Reaves, Rosa Manuel or Sheila Jones)
    • The 105th Anniversary Committee will be having several raffle events leading up to the church’s Anniversary on Sunday, November 3, 2024. 
    • The 2nd  Raffle drawing will be held today after  Sunday worship. If you did not win last Sunday , save your tickets, they will reman in the basket for the  drawing today. You will need to be present to win. Stay posted for Anniversary committee updates.

              If you have any questions or would like to volunteer for the committee please see Sister Erica Harris,  Chairwoman, Anniversary Committee. 

  • Disciples Women Trailblazers and Mentors Award Luncheon-

  • Saturday,  September 14, 2014- Luncheon Theme: “Your Gift Will Make Room for You” Proverb 18:16.

  •  We had 7  women travel to Tulsa to  attend this historic event. Congratulations to all of the Honorees.
  • Disciple Women’s Fellowship Meeting – Saturday, September 28,  2024  11:30 AM

  • It has been a while since we have come together as a group to establish our ministry’s purpose. Before we can do that, we really need to come together and pray and seek God’s  will regarding the ministries He has placed on each of our hearts. God has called us to work together to make a difference in each other’s lives and the lives of all those who are within our influences. It is time for us to begin the very important ministry work we have been called to carry out. ESSCC Women of all ages are invited to fellowship. In love, Minister Stephanie Parker  

  • The October Upcoming Events Flier has been posted to the Website with the Pastor’s Appreciation  Events listed for easy access. 
  •  The  October Upcoming Event flier has the  Fall Festival update– Due to the Pastors Appreciation Celebration on  the second Sunday in October and the 105th church Anniversary  celebration on the First Sunday in November, our Annual Fall Festival event has been cancelled this year. We appreciate everything that everyone is doing to make these two events a Big success. We understand being tired and overwhelmed with too much , too close together , while also trying to live life. We will pick up this Fun event for our children next year and hope to add  new volunteers along the way. Sister Carmen has volunteered to research neighborhood events in the community and create a Flier for family  suggestions as the date approaches. If you find any fun events , please share them with her so she can post it.  
  • Youth Group Bible Study-  Youth Group  will be meeting each Thursday night at 7 o’clock,  during choir rehearsal time.  Please bring your young people out, 13 years and older. 
  • May we All continue to seek and pursue Jesus in 2024,  with a renewed sense of connection .  Let us increase our level of commitment to his service and step out to do Gods work for our church and community   in love. 

    This concludes our Announcements.   

                                 STANDING ANNOUNCEMENTS

  • First Sunday Breakfast and T-shirt Sunday has been extended to include 3rd Sunday. Thank you Sister Rosa
  • In-person Bible Study here in the fellowship hall at each Wednesday Night 7pm.  First and third Wednesday Night,  sister Rosa will be preparing dinner at 6:30pm before Bible Study.

    • We are continuing to ask for donations throughout the year    to help us sponsor outing(s) for our youth .Please put “youth ministry special offering” on your envelop or on the notes section in Givelify.  If you are paying online by credit or debit, (no place for notes),  please send Elder Edmund Clegg a text letting him know  your donation is for the “youth special offering”.   We  are excited to plan FUN  outings and events for our young people  to build relationships with God and one another. Let’s teach them that “Church FUN”  can be as enjoyable as the “World FUN”.
  •  We will continue to  be on Facebook Live. We are still needing  someone to volunteer to coordinate Zoom for  Wednesday Night Bible Study . See Pastor Jackson if you are interested.

  • Sister Cynthia Clegg is teaching a Tai Chi class each Saturday from 10-11 am in the fellowship hall. The Program is designed for Older Adults. See the flier on the website for program description. Contact Cynthia Clegg if you are interested or have questions.
  • The Wellness Nutrition class  provides  presentations on nutritional information and  how to incorporate that information into meal planning.   For future presentations , we will discuss specific impact of various foods on the body and include recipes with food tasting.    Lakeshia  will be holding another demonstration on Saturday’s ,   following the tai chi class at 11am.  
  • Birthday Month Ministry

    Thank you to everyone who have completed their Birthday Month Ministry Cards. We have placed a list of all members who have turned in a card on the bulletin board in the fellowship Hall. Please check out the list to see if your name is on the list. If your name is not on the list please complete a card that is provided and place it in the basket.

    We are so excited to have so many people already signed up and thank you for participating. STAY TUNED FOR THE NEXT PHASE OF THE MINISTRY START UP process.

  • Full Prayer list is available on the website If you have anyone to add or remove please let us know either by text to sister Carmen or by contact form on the website.
  • Church App is available for iPhone and Android phones in the Apple store and Google play store- East Sixth Street Christian Church (ESSCC).
  • At A glance” drop down  is convenient way to find things more quickly like announcements, event calendar. Contact Us has visitor page. If you need to contact church use this form and your message will go to the church email.

ESSCC Prayer List

Bro. Rufus Adams; Sis Shirley Riley;  Sister Tina Henderson; Elder Worth Hadley ;  Elder Marvin Fisher; Bro. Jameson Clegg;  Sister Kim Smith  and mother Josephine McCleary;  Deacon Bob Cowen and Sis. Louise Cowen; Sister Whitney Blair; King David and Monica; Naomi Jackson & families ;  Mrs. Emma Lemons;  Sister Sheila Jones and family; Mr. Donte Payton; Mr. Ron Clark;  Sister Ckai Dawson :  Ulah& Lamar Ustinov;   Minister Stephanie Parker; Elder Nedella Foster: Chris Dinkins;  Sister Rosa Tillman;   Karen Smith ;  Deacon Bobby and Sister Gail Hadley & family; Brittney Hadley Pattico & family; Brother Andre Francisco & Sister Teresa Francisco;  Curtis Nunley and Family; Dianne Ross McDaniel;  Rev. Cynthia Calloway and family;  Sister Vikki Walker;  Family of Ikie Lynn Jones:  Annette Martin & family; June Higgins family; LaRose Bradley family; Bridget & Ken Lucey-Cose; Mrs. Doris Houston; Sister Erma Howard; Christopher Walker & family; Billie Sanders: Ron Magnus; Irma Howard; Booth family; Dennis Jones; Damonta Hickman: Valerie Love; Janet Love Buckner ; Elwood Johnson and family; Loreal Paxton.     

Church Contact Information at Glance

East Sixth Street  Christian Church

1139 NE 6th Street, OKC. OK 73117



Mailing Address: PO Box 54674, OKC. OK 73154

Online Giving: web page– (Givelify, PayPal, credit and debit card)

Facebook- East 6th Street Christian Church–

YouTube- East Sixth Street Christian Church-

Sunday Worship from Sanctuary

Facebook Live/ YouTube Live 

Sunday Worship from Pastor home

Facebook Live  & YouTube Live

Zoom Meetings


7pm Bible Study with invitation  

1139 NE 6th Street Oklahoma City, Ok 73117

Mailing Address

PO Box 54674 Oklahoma City, 73154

Phone # 405-235-3201


        Sunday Morning 10am –                  Facebook Live/YouTube Live
Wednesday Night Bible Study 7 pm                        Zoom/Facebook Live
Radio Broadcast 1pm
KRMP-92.1FM/1140 AM

ESSCC © 2023. All Rights Reserved.
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